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8A Unit6 Natural disasters 教案(陶园玲)

发表日期:2012/12/31 9:31:22 出处:本站 作者:陶园玲 有1236位读者读过

8A Unit6 Natural disasters  教案

第一课时 Welcome to the unit


Teaching aims: To introduce the topic of disasters.

             To identify vocabulary related to disasters.

             To identify weather conditions and label pictures with correct words

Focus and difficulties: To recognize the weather conditions and natural disaster.

Teaching methods: Reading Speaking Listening Writing

Teaching aids: Multi-media computer 

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Lead in :

T: What can you see and what did you hear just now?

Ss: I can see … and I heard….

   Revise some words about weather. e.g. rain, snow, wind.… and learn the topic of this lesson. Weather and natural disasters.

Step2 Presentation

1. T: What’s the weather like today?

Ss: It is …

Elicit from students other bad weather conditions. (rainstorm, snow storm, typhoon. e.g.)

2. Read the words in Part B and ask more able students to describe each weather condition only with simple phrases and words.

3. Help Ss to complete the task on their own and check the correct answers with the class as a whole.

4. Show more pictures of natural disasters, help students to know their names and describe them.

5.T: Can you distinguish natural disasters from disasters caused by other reasons? Get them to look at part A on P93 and try to finish this part

check the correct answers with the class as a whole, then read together.

learn some new words and phrases.

lose the game                                  kill thousands of people

A car accident                                 crash into a tree

wash the village away                           start a big fire

fall from a tree                                 hurt one’s legs

Step3 Talking about pictures

1. Show the following picture to the students. Get then to guess what happened.

2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.

(1) What was the weather like?

(2) What happened to Hobo?

(3) What was Hobo doing when it started to rain?

(4) When did Hobo hear the rain?

(5) What happened to Hobo’s house?

(6) Why doesn’t he want to go home alone?

3. Read the dialogue in pairs and then act it out.

4. Explain the language points.

6. Fill in the blanks.

Step4 Conclusion.

Step5 Exercises.








8A Unit6 Natural disasters 

Comic Strip and Welcome to the unit


一.Let’s learn new words.

自然的_____________  灾难,祸患___________  用拖把拖洗________________

地震_____________   事故,意外的事__________  猛撞,撞毁_______________

冲掉,冲走___________    风暴,暴(风)雨__________  暴雨_________________

暴雪_____________    雷,雷声______________  台风____________________

二.            Translate Chinese into English.

把地拖干净______________________   全身湿透了________________________

直到。。。。。。才。。。。。_____________   自然灾害____________________________

烧起大火________________________   成千上万人________________________

将村庄冲走______________________   从树上掉下来______________________

输掉比赛________________________   撞上______________________________



一.Taling about the weather.

二.Natural disasters and bad weather.

三.Cmic Strip




1. There are many _________(灾害) in the world every day

2. The __________ (地震) in Taiwan killed thousands of people.

3. A__________ (洪水) washed the village away.

4. What’s your mother doing? She’s m______ up the floor.

5. A coach c________ into a tree last night.

6. A young boy f_______ from a tree and hurt his legs.


1. The earthquake in Taiwan killed ___________ ( thousand ) of people.

2. He ____________ (watch) TV when the doorbell rang.

3. I ____________ (sleep) when it started to rain.


(    ) 1. Which of the following is not a natural disaster?

      A. Lightning     B. A car accident      C.  Sandstorm     D. Typhoon

(    )2. _________goes before thunder.

      A. Typhoon    B. Rain              C. Storm           D. Lightning

(    )3. A dog _______ the tree and died.

      A. crash           B. crashed         C. crashed into     D. crashed to

四、  翻译下列句子

1. 1998年的特大洪水冲垮了许多房屋和大树。

  The big flood in 1998________________________________

2. 在唐山大地震中,成千上万人遇难。

  The Tang Shan earthquake ____________________________

3. 昨天一个年轻人从19楼摔下来,竟然安然无恙。

  Yesterday a young man__________________________, but he doesn’t hurt badly.


  The boy _____________ home when the ___________ came.


   The girls ____________________________in their bedroom when the ____________and lightning came.